Forms / Downloads


1 Advance Adjustment Performa 3142
2 Advertisement to fill up Project Positions 35
3 Application for Attending Symposium/ Seminar/ Workshop Etc. With in India 1128
4 Application for Ex-India Leave / Financial Assistance for Visit Abroad 84
5 Application Proforma for Issuance of an Identity Card 60
6 Appraisal form 3140
7 Approval of New Consultancy Projects 3137
8 Approval of Project Positions 34
9 Bill Submission Form 86
10 Booking Form for OP Jain Auditorium 97
11 Certificate of T&P items purchased under Project 44
12 Child Education form 48
13 Consent of Proposed Investigator(s) from other than PIs Department. 31
14 Contract 38
15 Distribution of Consultancy Project Fund 3135
16 Ex India Leave (More than 1 month) 87
17 Ex India Leave (Up to 1 month) 88
18 Expenditure from PDF 42
19 Extension of Time/Revision of Project Amount 39
20 Form for Annual Property Return 124
21 Form for Clearance of Probation, AGP-II to AGP-I 123
22 Form For HAG Scale 121
23 Form for Overtime Claim 49
24 Form Kit for New Faculty 27
25 Form of Conveyance Allowance 50
26 Form of House Building Advance 51
27 House Allotment Application Form 89
28 Identity Card for Retired Employee 29
29 IITR Slides template (Presentation) 83
30 Involvement of Consultant 2130
31 LTC for Faculty and Group 'A' 52
32 LTC Form 53
33 Medical Booklet Form 122
34 Medical reimbursement form 90
35 Medifare Application Form 28
36 Medifare Booklet Complete 69
37 New Advance Performa 3139
38 New TA Form 2024 3136
39 No Dues Form 96
40 Performa for Reimbursement Under Professional Development Allowance (PDA) 91
41 Ph.D. Thesis Evaluation -Remuneration bill proforma (outside India) 126
42 Ph.D. Thesis Evaluations -Remuneration proforma (within India) 125
43 Proforma for reimbursement of Communication charges 93
44 Proposal for Distribution of IOC revised against Sponsored Research Projects 45
45 Purchase Indent Form 95
46 Request for advance 92
47 Request for Approval of Consultancy Project 2129
48 Request for hiring of services in the project (Not through agency) 47
49 Request for hiring of services in the project (Through approved agency) 46
50 Revised House Allotment Rules (HAC-I and HAC-II) 70
51 Screening Committee Report 36
52 Selection Committee Report 37
53 Seminar Guidelines 73
54 TA Honorarium to Experts for Ph.D.-Viva-Voce Exam w/i India 130
55 Travel (Domestic) 40
56 Travel (International) 41
57 Website User Manual 114
1 Application for courses to be completed 98
2 Bill Proforma for Students Assistantship 3138
3 Certificate from supervisor 99
4 Final Report of SRC 100
5 Finalization of supervisor 101
6 Form to get desktop / workstation access in CAD Lab 112
7 IITR Slides template (Presentation) 113
8 Leave Application (PG-Regular Students) 1127
9 Leave application form Ph.D. 110
10 Notice For Pre-Synopsis Seminar 1129
11 Notification for Comprehensive Examination 116
12 Ph.D. Ordinances and Regulations (NEW) 111
13 Progress and Performance report 115
14 Report of oral defense committee 102
15 Report on Comprehensive Examination and Recommendation for Candidacy 103
16 Request for Comprehensive examination 104
17 Scholarship for M. Tech 2nd year Students 120
18 Scholarship for M. Tech Ist year Students 1125
19 Scholarship for Ph.D. Scholars 119
20 Seminar report 105
21 Special SRC Recommendations 106
22 Specification for Thesis 117
23 Student and Supervisor Declaration 107
24 Student Assistant-ship for UG / PG / Ph.D./ PDF 33
25 Student Research Committee 108
26 Thesis Submission Form 109
Wildcard SSL Certificates

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