About Us

  • Hydraulic Engineering Group is one of the oldest group in the Department of the Civil Engineering and deals with hydraulics of both surface and sub-surface flows. This group offers one M. Tech. course on Hydraulic Engineering. Hydraulics laboratory of the group is spread over an area of 5000 m2 and equipped with state-of-art instruments like PIV, ADV, Shear stress profiler, GMR, scour monitor, bed profiler, etc. In the present premises, it came into existence around year 1962. Besides several other individuals, Dr. Bharat Singh and Dr. R.J. Garde contributed immensely in making this laboratory one of the best in India as well as world over. Professors of this group have won many prestigious awards like Ippen Award, Humboldt Fellowships, ASCE, Khosla, CBIP, Jalvigyan Puruskar etc. Major areas of the research and consultancy of this group are Physical and mathematical modeling of rivers and hydraulic structures, Hydraulic design of bridge and river training works, Hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, Physical modeling and design of hydraulic structures, Reservoir sedimentation, Swirling flow in intakes, Water hammer & Dam-break studies, Climate change studies including low flow and flood forecasting, Dispersion phenomenon in atmospheric flows and river flows, GIS and remote sensing applications in hydraulics engineering, Groundwater hydrology & modeling, Inverse problems, Subsurface flow and transport modeling etc. The group has collaborated with various organization like McGill University, Purdue University, European Union, Ministry of Earth Sciences etc.

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