Ph.D. Dissertations

    S. No.ScholarNameTopicSupervisorCosupervisorAwarded Date
    1. Hans RajPullout Response of Granular Pile Anchors in Clayey SoilProf. Vishwas A. Sawant  22/May/2024
    2. K. SaikumarStatic and Dynamic Response of Soil-Pile System Considering Soil UncertaintiesProf. Kaustav Chatterjee  28/Jun/2024
    3. Aradhana MishraStudy on Behaviour of Contiguous PileProf. Vishwas A. Sawant  03/Jul/2024
    4. Chandel Anoopsingh JainarayansinghEffect of cycles of wetting and drying on debris slopesProf. Mahendra SinghDr. V. Thakur (NTNU Norway) 28/Aug/2024
    5. Ashutosh VermaPseudo dynamic Analysis of reinforced Soil wallsProf. Satyendra Mittal  21/Oct/2024
    S. No.ScholarNameTopicSupervisorCosupervisorAwarded Date
    1. Arpit JainExperimental And Numerical Investigations Of Liquefication Based Failure Of Stratified SoilProf. Satyendra MittalProf. Sanjay Kumar Shukla, SoE, Edith Cowan University Australia 21/Mar/2023
    2. B. KirtimayeeGround improvement techniqueProf. Narendra Kumar Samadhiya  31/Mar/2023
    3. Abhijit ChakrabortyNumerical Study on Embankments Resting on Liquefiable Soil With Mitigation MeasuresProf. Vishwas A. Sawant  25/Sep/2023
    4. Kirtika SamantaAnalysis of machine foundations under blast loadingProf. Priti Maheshwari  02/Nov/2023
    S. No.ScholarNameTopicSupervisorCosupervisorAwarded Date
    1. Jaspreet SinghEffect of structural discontinuities on rock mass behaviour of Garhwal HimalayaProf. Mahendra SinghProf. Mahendra Singh
    2. Bisrat Gissila GiddayStabilisation of Problematic clay soil with admixtures.Prof. Satyendra Mittal  06/Jan/2022
    3. Godas SrikarAnalytical and Numerical Modeling of Backfill Soil to Estimate Static and Seismic Earth Pressures.Prof. Satyendra Mittal  07/Jan/2022
    4. Vidya Tilak B.Uplift Capacities of Multi-plate Horizontal and Inclined Anchors in SandProf. Narendra Kumar Samadhiya  20/Jan/2022
    5. Anoop BhardwajStudy of formations for high-speed trainsProf. Satyendra Mittal  06/Jun/2022
    6. B. VenkateswarluShear Strength Behaviour of Talus DepositsProf. Mahendra Singh  08/Jun/2022
    7. Mohit KumarBehaviour of Caisson Foundation under Static and Seismic ConditionsProf. Kaustav Chatterjee  28/Jul/2022
    8. Manojit SamantaEffects of Tunneling on Existing Pile FoundationProf. Vishwas A. Sawant  01/Aug/2022
    9. Phibe KhalkhoEngineering behaviour of rocks under cyclic conditionsProf. Mahendra Singh  04/Oct/2022
    S. No.ScholarNameTopicSupervisorCosupervisorAwarded Date
    1. Priyanka SharmaLiquification in deep soil depositProf. Vishwas A. SawantProf. V. A. Sawant 15/Feb/2021
    2. Dipaloke MajumderResponse of tunnels in squeezing ground conditionsProf. Mahendra SinghProf. M. N. Viladkar 06/Apr/2021
    3. Anant Kiran KonkaneAnalysis of Soil Nailed Slopes Under Seismic Conditions.Prof. Vishwas A. SawantProf. Jagdish Prasad (On Lien) Sahoo, 28/Sep/2021
    4. Akshay Pratap SinghStatic and Seismic Behaviour of Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls under Surcharge LoadProf. Kaustav Chatterjee  18/Oct/2021
    5. Avinash Kumar SinghGeotechnical aspects of pavementsProf. Jagdish Prasad(On Lien) Sahoo  08/Dec/2021
    S. No.ScholarNameTopicSupervisorCosupervisorAwarded Date
    1. Bibhash KumarSupport Pressure for Stability of Circular Tunnels under Different Ground ConditionsProf. Jagdish Prasad(On Lien) Sahoo  30/Apr/2020
    2. Chandaluri Vinay KumarAnalysis of Laterally Loaded Piles near Crest of Sloping GroundProf. Vishwas A. Sawant  08/Jul/2020
    3. Divya ShaunikStrength Behaviour of Persistent and Non-Persistent Jointed Synthetic RockProf. Mahendra Singh  06/Aug/2020
    4. AparnaEffect of dredging and adjacent footing on cantilever and anchored sheet pile walls in sandProf. Narendra Kumar Samadhiya  09/Oct/2020
    S. No.ScholarNameTopicSupervisorCosupervisorAwarded Date
    1. Shashnk BhatraResponse of rails on reinforced earth beds under moving loadsProf. Priti Maheshwari 
    2. Murakonda PavaniAnalysis of plates on reinforced earth bedsProf. Priti Maheshwari 
    3. Ashish GuptaAnalysis of Retaining Wall and Reinforced Soil Wall considering Seismic WavesProf. Vishwas A. Sawant  02/May/2019
    4. Bhishm Singh KhatiExperimental Studies on Laterally Loaded Piles near Sloping GroundProf. Vishwas A. Sawant  12/Sep/2019
    5. Shashank BhatraResponse of rails on reinforced earth beds under moving loadsProf. Priti Maheshwari  20/Sep/2019
    6. Pratibha SinghBehavior of Anchors Under Different Loading Conditions in SoilsProf. Satyendra Mittal  20/Sep/2019
    7. Kanwar SinghStabilization Of Soil By Nailing For Underpass Construction Under Live LoadsProf. Satyendra Mittal  21/Sep/2019
    S. No.ScholarNameTopicSupervisorCosupervisorAwarded Date
    1. Manendra SinghSeismic Analysis of Metro Underground TunnelsProf. Narendra Kumar Samadhiya 
    2. Murtaza HasanBehaviour of Floating Granular Piles in Soft SoilsProf. Narendra Kumar Samadhiya 
    3. Saurav RukhaiyarBehaviour of Rocks under Cyclic- Triaxial and Polyaxial States of Stress.Prof. Narendra Kumar Samadhiya 
    4. Rajni DeviGeo-electric and Geotechnical Site Investigation for Soil Liquefaction StudiesProf. Narendra Kumar SamadhiyaProf. R. G. S. Sastry
    5. Ganesh RKinematic limit analysis solutions for some geotechnical stability problemsProf. Jagdish Prasad(On Lien) Sahoo 
    6. Sunil KhuntiaAnalysis of plate anchors and retaining walls supporting soil with sloping surfaceProf. Jagdish Prasad(On Lien) Sahoo 
    7. Siddharth MehndirattaAnalysis of Shallow Foundations on Partially Saturated SoilsProf. Vishwas A. Sawant 
Data not available
S. No.ScholarNameTopicSupervisorCosupervisorAwarded Date
1. Rupali SatavalekarMeshfree Modeling of Contaminant MigrationProf. Vishwas A. Sawant 
2. R. P. SinghConsolidation induced solute transport through clay depositsProf. Mahendra Singh 
3. Dharmendra Kumar ShuklaBearing capacity of foundations on rock slopesProf. Mahendra Singh 
S. No.ScholarNameTopicSupervisorCosupervisorAwarded Date
1. Harsh Kumar VermaInfluence of Blast Loading on Stability of CavernsProf. Narendra Kumar SamadhiyaProf. Mahendra Singh and Prof. V. V. R. Prasad
2. Lok Priya SrivastavaStrength behaviour of jointed rocks reinforced with passive boltsProf. Mahendra Singh 
3. Sanjeev MukherjeeBehavior of Anchors In SoilsProf. Satyendra Mittal 

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